A Little Faith

There are things in life that will not always go as planned. There are things in life that you will want to erase from your memory and act like nothing ever happened. Sometimes you can and sometimes... you can't. What I have learned on my healthy lifestyle journey is the best practice you can use on personal development is to never shy away from the things that are hard. Never run away when life gets tough. Never cower because the pressure is too much to handle.
Diamonds are made under PRESSURE! You cannot shy away from the things that God has put in your path to make you a better spiritual being. You will miss out on 100% of what life has to offer by never getting bruised. The path to a better person or to your destiny is not straight and narrow. There are a few mountains to climb and boulders blocking your way. However, I am a firm believer that you have everything you need to succeed. You have the ability to rise to the occasion.
"The path to a better person or to your destiny is not straight and narrow."
You don't have to be super human. It only takes a little faith to go a long way. Have faith in yourself. Have faith in your abilities. Have faith that your life is on the path necessary to make you a better person. With that faith you will get through any trial or tribulation. Use each uncomfortable situation in your life to move you to the next level of your greatness. You will thank yourself later!
